Anyone who has been abroad for a prolonged period of time knows how tough it can be. After the initial excitement of being in a new place wears off, the inevitable home sickness and culture shock set in and take some time to recover from. I had the chance of a lifetime, I was in Europe for two months. As romantic as that all sounds, there was no time to find true love on the back of a Vespa. In reality I spent most of my time lesson planning and stressing about getting a job. Before I knew it, I was stranded on the streets of Madrid at 5 AM with a bank card that wouldn't work (ah, but that is another story).
I find myself really missing Spain, which is funny because there were a lot of times that I was miserable there. Lacking the resources to return, I am living vicariously through my pictures. So, here are some memories and stories from my times en España :)
One of my first experiences with tapas in Sevilla was this awesome thing called chorizo al infierno. I just thought it would be spicy chorizo, but no they lit it on fire and it was up to you to extinguish it. It was amazing.
Spain, being super Catholic, has massive processions to celebrate someone's passage into sainthood. It's really impressive, but as one Sevillana put it "Oh there was another procession last night?"
It is impossible to get a decent café con leche here. All the baristas are afraid of making it "too strong" and they can never get the espresso to steamed milk ratio right, but I keep looking. I also met some amazingly awesome people from all over the world. I keep in contact with most of them (some of you may be reading this, miss you XOXO) and hope I will continue the connection for years to come.
So I guess the question remains: Will I go back? The answer is...
Sure one day I will return, but there are other places I want to see (and attempt to man fish). For now, here are some more pictures of the beauty that is España.
And just a few of my favorites from Portugal:
1. A woman feeding a pigeon.
2. Rico, the cat on a leash!
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