My Blog List

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Year!!

In an effort to connect mind and spirit, I have been reading daily meditations from the Dalai Lama. Every time I see his picture I just want to hug him, I can't help it. Anyways, I hope you can find guidance in today's thought.

"A nagging sense of discontent, a feeling of being dissatisfied, or of something not being right, is the fuel that gives rise to anger and hatred. This discontent arises in us when we feel that either ourselves, or someone we love, or our close friends are being treated unfairly or threatened and that people are being unjust.  Also, when others obstruct us in achieving something, we feel that we are being trodden upon, and then we feel angry. So the approach here is to get at the root, appreciating the casual nexus, the chain, which will ultimately explode in an emotional state like anger or hatred." - His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Food for Thought

Since I have been doing my 30 day yoga challenge, I have had a lot of time to reflect about a variety of things in my life. I have seen significant changes, not only in my strength and flexibility, but the way I approach my day. I feel more zen about everything.

Each class we begin with setting an intention, something that you want to focus on, it could be breath, an issue you are working through, peace, being present in the moment, etc. The class usually begins in a few still moments preparing the mind for the practice. Usually the teachers will read a meditation which can help to set the mood or focus for the class. Tonight we were focusing on habits, and this was the poem that the instructor read.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

RIP Whitney

I am so shocked and saddened by this news. Drugs are bad kids.

Getting My Happy Ass in Shape

I am going to Italy for a month, 32 days to be exact. If there is one thing my homeland is known for, it's their food. Knowing that my jeans will be snug on my flight home, I am being proactive about the situation.

The yoga studio I go to is having a 30 day yoga challenge which entails going to yoga class 6 days a week for the next month. Each class is an hour and a half long meaning that I will be in downward facing dog for nine hours a week. Now, let me clear any misconceptions about yoga - it is not simply just breathing and stretching. Oh no, I walk away from most classes with jelly legs and wake up in the morning feeling like I got hit by a truck. Eventually, I would like to be able to do this:

Now, in reality I know that I cannot simply attain this in one month, but I am doing my best to be healthy. I am cutting down on deliciously fried things, magnificent cheese, and comforting chocolate (only for three weeks though - lets be real). All of these things will be plentiful in Italia and I cannot wait.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Let's be honest, I spend a lot of time thinking about my relationships with men, and I had a realization. Thank you Sex and the City.