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Oh yes. This marathon is going to make me it's bitch. With a landmark every mile, it has the potential to be awesome. It also has the potential for disaster. Knowing me, it will be the latter.
A couple of things could happen:
1. I get lost. You would think with a massive group of people and clearly marked paths one would not get lost. Don't underestimate my terrible sense of direction.
2. I start bleeding. I once went on an intense hike with some friends. While walking on the last bit of the trail with the car in sight, I tripped and now sport a beautiful scar.
3. Extreme weather. Last year it rained so hard the streets in the San Fernando Valley turned into rivers. No joke. But on that note, would it be bad if I kayaked the marathon???
So, barring any of those situations (and many other random ones that have yet to be determined), I am going to be serious about my running regime (or seriously think about it).
While lying here comfortably in my bed and seriously thinking about the marathon (yes I did run/hike/almost die in the heat), I looked up some training schedules.
I think this is the one I am going to do. Flying Spaghetti Monster, please help me and my feet :/
Countdown to marathon: 28 weeks. At least there is somewhat of a cushion before the intense training begins.
You go girl. You are an inspiration to us all. And even if you fall down, you can just add that scar to the badass collection of shark bites and hiking accident ones you already have.